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[PHOTOS] Video Director Prince Dovlo Kicks Off With His Clothing Line Lalled WAE

The award winning video and movie director Prince Dovlo is currently expanding his skills from the visual industry to that of fashion.

The young multiple talented director who seems to have done all his fashion work secretly, surprisingly just released a couple of professional pictures of models wearing his designs.

Since there are a lot of questions about this surprise move from Dovlo, we decided to find out more about his clothing line, expectation and more but from the horses own mouth, this is what he had to say:

1. What is the name of your clothing line?

Ans: WAE.

2. And what is the full meaning?

Ans: We Are Elements

3. How long have you been working on it?

Ans :3years

4. Do you design them yourself?

Ans:Is a team and we put our ideas together

5. What convinced or lured you into fashion?

Ans: Personal interest

6. Are you going to produce them on a larger scale or just when your client orders?

Ans:we plan to expand as time goes on.Currently we have enough items in stock for client orders

7. How will you describe your clothes?

Ans: Urban,fun and style.

8. How long do you intend to be active in the fashion business

Ans: Forever #lol

9. Will you still continue directing video frequently or take a break and focus on your new line of business?

Ans:Directing is a part of me I can’t get rid off

10. What are some of the major challenges you have face so far in regards with fashion?

Ans:I got a strong team that makes everything look easy.

11. Last words for your fans?

Ans: We got new designs coming soon and also a musical movie in September

Check out some of his designs

[PHOTOS] Video Director Prince Dovlo Kicks Off With His Clothing Line Lalled WAE [PHOTOS] Video Director Prince Dovlo Kicks Off With His Clothing Line Lalled WAE [PHOTOS] Video Director Prince Dovlo Kicks Off With His Clothing Line Lalled WAE [PHOTOS] Video Director Prince Dovlo Kicks Off With His Clothing Line Lalled WAE



Date | 25th April, 2015

Submitted by: Nana Kwesi Asare

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